Thursday, February 17, 2011

Spring 2011 Quarter

It’s official. I am now registered for spring 2011 quarter!

Next quarter I will be taking American Sign Language II, back in summer 2007 I took American Sign Language I so I’m pretty excited to be able to take the next step in becoming fluent in this amazing language! I have always been oh so very interesting in it. When I see people sign I always stop and watch, there are a few signs I can pick up but I never watch for too long because that is just rude!

There have also been times in which a deaf student has come into the office and I wanted to sign with him/her but was not able to because I felt so out of practice. Plus I’m scared that I won’t be accepted in the deaf community. If you didn't know the IE actually has a school for the deaf in Riverside, so there is a big deaf community around here. With more practice and knowledge I will push myself to sign with them one day. I’m hoping that by the end of this quarter I will be able to sign as I talk every day. I know people will question why but I’ll be ready to let them know my reasoning behind it.

·         Practice
·         To get use to signing in everyday situations
·         To NOT forget what I have learned

When the time comes I plan to teach my kids ASL as well. There have been studies that indicated that if a child is taught sign language then they don’t go through the "terrible twos" like other toddlers do. There are still times that a child will throw a tantrum but it won’t be as bad because the child will have a way of communicating.

Come fall quarter, I’m hoping to start the MPA program but if for any reason I’m not able to then I will be taking ASL III. I’m pretty excited about this because this is something that I have wanted to do for some time now. Maybe I’ll post some videos of me signing… one day...

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