Por Siempre...

Mi Amor!

I like to think that I'm one of the lucky ones (the exception). I met my husband in high school, junior year and while he was blind to how head over heals in love I was for him at first sight, he was my best friend. We would talk every day after school on the phone and it seemed as though nothing was ever off limits.

After high school he left for basic training and we continued to talk over the phone when he was lucky enough to get away from his duties. A little over a year after we graduated from high school, September 2, 2003 he finally asked me to be his girlfriend, I waited for him for three years but the wait was worth it. Through those three years, I learned just how much I loved him and just how much I truly wanted to stand by his side. Christmas 2003 he gave be a promise ring and March 2004 he asked me to marry him. We moved fast and a lot of people weren't happy about it but we knew how deep our love ran and we knew/know each other inside and out. When you find that one person you just know and when we were nineteen and twenty we both knew. Yes, I was one of those girls that cried when he asked me to marry him even though I knew it was coming since I found the ring, a beautiful black diamond! We planned for a long engagement, the plan was to get married September 2, 2007 but that changed...

March 2006 Juan was deployed to Iraq. He hid this from me for as long as possible, the day before he left April 23, 2006 we married in a rush. We had a little dinner and the next day April 24, 2006 I started to write to him every day and put together care packages for him. Once again I waited for him and he waited for me until he finally came back. This one and only deployment (thankfully) of his was hard on me, without Juan with me I felt so alone. We got through it and he came home with two Purple Hearts. Thankfully the injuries are not visable but unfortunately they have effected him and still to this day he suffers from them. I can only hope that with time he will heal and he will be able to live his life as he wishes to. With this deployment we were able to show everyone just how deep our love ran, just how committed we were to each other and just how serious we were about each other. Till this day I have no idea how I got past it all, how I stayed strong but I never let myself think that he was not coming home to me. I knew that he would come home which is why the year he was gone I was planning our church wedding...

December 1st, 2007, the year that Juan came home we finally married in the eyes of God. We had our church wedding, I had never smiled so much in my life! I was one happy bride!

Every day I'm thankful to have such a wonderful and amazing husband, he understands me and loves me for who I am. Not once has he ever asked for more or complained that I have not given him enough. He puts up with how stubborn I am and how grumpy I can get. He listens to me and when I ask him time and time again why he loves me he always answers that it's because I understand him. Which I do. I don't think that there is anyone else out there that would be able to understand him the way that I do. I know for a  fact that there is no one else out there that will ever love me and accept me the way he does. He is the one that made me believe in love after so much doubt, he is the one that helped me fight past the demons and he is the one that has always believed in me. When I doubt myself he is always there to push me, he is my best friend, my husband and my soul mate.

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