The Chidren...

Meet our Children, we spoil them, love them and cherish them!

Luna, the oldie but goodie (Lasha Aspo mix)

I have had Luna since I was  fifteen (she's 11). When My mom got her for me she told me that there was a snake in the backyard and to go look for it. Being the crazy girl I was and am... I ran out and started looking for the snake that my mom had placed somewhere in the backyard. Now what do I find? The cutest little white puppy EVER! She looked just like a toy! The truth is, she didn't get me the puppy was going to give the puppy to her godson but I just had to have it and for once I got my way! We trained her to be an indoor dog and she grew very much attached with me. When I was finally going to move out my mom wanted to keep her since she is such a wonderful dog but... we all knew that if I didn't take her with me she would end up passing away. She is my stalker, wherever I go she is sure to be there, she will sleep by my side and follow me around everywhere, no lease needed. I don't know how I got so lucky with such an amazing dog but I did. She even loves Mr. Husband! The day she passes will be a sad day but thankfully, I'm sure I have many more years with her.

Pucca, the middle baby (American Bulldog)

Mr. Husband & I bought Pucca October 2007, the year we got married. We really wanted to have a puppy of our own to love as our child since well, we were not going to have children right away. Mr. Husband found a breeder for American Bulldogs and right away I fell love with her! She honestly has a human soul. You can find her from time to time watching television with us. I know she understands everything we tell her and she knows when we want to cuddle with her or when we're sick and need a little extra love from our baby. She knows who her grandpa and grandma is (I swear) and makes us laugh with her silly ways non-stop. Sadly, she has skin allergies and so she is medicated and at times we even need to give her shots, by we I mean Mr. Husband since I'm terrified of needles. Still, we love her and would do just about anything for her. Just look at that face though, wouldn't you do the same?! She is the one dog that everyone loves to play with and she is very well mannered, thanks to me. Juan is the spoiler and lets her get away with just about anything. If you ask for a kiss she is sure to give you many, many kisses. If kisses aren't your thing then she will give you two high fives if you ask for them!

Boba, the baby (French Bulldog)

Mr. Husband and I first saw Boba April 21, 2011 at a pet store. I had always wanted a French Bulldog and finally we found the one I had been looking for. I would always dream of having a black French bulldog with white markings and it had to be a female. There she was the perfect Frenchie! The cherry on top was that the pet store was having an Easter sale! That night I called my mom, would they be willing to babysit a new puppy? The backyard isn't safe for her until she grows up and is more independent. My mother said I was crazy. Another dog? She told me to talk to my daddy and so the next day after work I went to go talk to my dad. He didn't say yes but didn't say no and so I took it as a no. I gave up and knew that I was going to have to get over it. That night my daddy called me "go get your puppy" he said. I was overjoyed! When I asked him why he simple stated, "because you really want this puppy." It was late so there was no way to run to the pet store and buy her. The next day we went and I told myself that if I am meant to have her then she will still be available. Lady luck was on my side. On April 23, 2011 we bought her and on April 25, 2011 I picked her up. She was finally mine and I named her Boba with the help of my friend. She is one silly puppy and very easy going. She is like a child, always wanting to be held and playful with her sisters and cousins. I'm so excited to be able to once more watch a family memember grow.

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