Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Simple 7

1. Fridays are... for slacking off at work, for date nights (at home or out and about), for shopping, for staying up later than usual, for relaxing with Mr. Husband, for meeting up with friends I've missed ALL week.

2. Sleeping in late, cuddling with Mr. Husband watching a good or bad movie, spending an entire day reading an amazing book front to back, laughing so hard I cry, being married to my best friend, random text messages from: Mr. Husband, My Parents, VeroBabies & JenJen, weekend trips, taking pictures with one of my many cameras, walking my puppies with Mr. Husband, being able to improve on my running... make me terribly happy.

3. What inspires me is... nature, Pintrest, people who take seemingly nothing and make it into something inspire my hope that there is more for me out there, animals, good loud music.

4. If I had the day off today I would... stay in bed a little longer to sleep a little bit more. Play with BOBA. Make dinner for Mr. Husband. Clean and organize the house. Visit the best neighbors ever (my parents). Try to meet up with VeroBabies. Go for a run. Maybe go shopping.

5. If I had to put a label on my home decor style, I would say my style is... simple yet cluttered.

6. Concerning politics I would say I'm... Switzerland.

7. I'd like to... travel the world so I could... see the point of view of others. I want to be able to know what it would feel like to live in Canada, Africa, Egypt, Russia and so on. I want to learn about life by traveling and understand people not only by understand those always around me but those I would never meet if I didn't get up and do something. I want to see everything first hand and not through movies, pictures, books.

What about you?


  1. Concerning politics you would say you're Switzerland? Are you watching Twilight!?

  2. Twilight? How dare you type that on my blog! Shame on you!!!
