I can’t believe I haven’t written in almost a month! I’m sure by now I’ve lost a few readers but hope to get them back.
Since my last post this has been my life:
1. I started my English Theory and Criticism class. I’m taking this class so that I can get back to my analytical writing and in the future apply and get accepted into the MFA program. I won’t be applying for that program any time soon though. The program I have applied to is the MPA program (masters in public administration). I’m waiting to hear back if I will be accepted. Needless to say, I’m nervous since I have never taken a public administration course. I applied for the winter quarter which means I may be a graduate student come January 2012!
2. One of my long time best friends is back in my life and I couldn’t be happier! One day to the next I simply made up my mind to send her a message. Short and sweet. I let her know there was no need to reply since we had a fall out. To my surprise, there she was replying to me and having a conversation with me before work. That night, September 16th we met up for dinner. I wore a rose in my hair so that she could recognize me though it wasn’t truly needed. We poured our hearts out and caught up on each other’s lives. There’s a change between us and I’m thankful for that change because no matter what, we need each other in our lives. There is a connection between us that will never be broken.
3. While life was going so well horror entered my life. The last week of September, my house was broken into. A lot was lost but no one was hurt. My dad called me at while I was at work to hurry home and there is when I learned all that was gone, forever. I will not get into details since I don’t want to break down once more. Currently, we’re still dealing with this dreadfulness and hope that we will be able to get past it all by the end of this month. The insurance claim is such a long and tedious process. This event changed me, I feel as though I can’t trust anyone but I shouldn’t keep living like this. I need to push through and find myself once more. While there is evil in this world, there is also good. There is family that will hold me and care for me though I’m fully grown. Make dinner and let me know this too will pass with time. All I need is time. There are friends who keep me in their thoughts. Send me a thoughtful card that brings tears to my eyes because I was thought of. Get in contact with me though they have busy lives, make time for me. I have a loving husband that vows to make things right though we both know how impossible that is. Through this all I can still smile and laugh and get past it all because in all reality, there is nothing left for me to do but push through. I will be me again.
4. I’ve deleted my Facebook. I truly needed to get away from all that social networking. I didn’t see the use of it in my life and it was starting to be such an addiction while I tried to find a purpose for it in my life. So now, it’s gone. Yes, I may go back to it in the future but this won’t be until months from now. I need something more creative in life and so I’ll spend more time focusing on my blog. A friend of mine said that tumblr might be my cup of tea and so I’ll be trying that out. I’ll make sure to post my link once I have it up and running.
This is my life at the moment, it’s been hard but I’m still finding reasons to smile.
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