Lets be honest.
No marriage or relationship is perfect.
I like to think that Husband and I have all the answers. That we're always happy and that nothing gets us down. Well that isn't close to the truth. Yes, 99% of the time we are as happy as can be but last month marriage was so hard. We were drowning and we didn't know what to do and didn't know who to turn to. Through it, I learned to be strong again. I learned to be independent again. I learned to let go and let him have his time on his own because we all need to get away sometimes and there is nothing wrong with that. Through it, I remembered how much I love him, how much in love I am with this man of mine. Through it all, we realized the honeymoon finally ended after three years. The honeymoon may have ended but we didn't. Through it I lost a friend that really wasn't ever a friend to begin with.
In many ways I'm thankful for this time in which I cried, in which I let myself go and just let everything happen but with me still fighting along the way. I learned that nothing is perfect, that our marriage is not perfect but that we're meant for each other despite that.
Some days we love each other more than life itself, other days we have to work at it. I'm happy Husband and I are past the days we had to work at it. Now I know when those days come again, (because let's face it, it's going to happen) we will make it out alive and happy once more.
Our marriage is different, we have so much more against us. His PTSD, his injuries, and my anxiety. Yet, we might have a lot more against us but love keeps me going, keeps us going and we're going to make it.
The struggle, beauty and courage of one woman’s life to live, to love and to laugh...
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Video of Juan Breaking in his Christmas Gift...
After playing around with my phone and computer I finally figured out how to post the video of Juan breaking in his Springfield XD .45 long barrel. Here it is, hope you enjoy it! Husband is so cute!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Merry Christmas to all!!!
Sorry I've been m.i.a for a while.. almost a week and let's face it the last two posts were pretty lame. I've been stuck at a pity party that I threw myself and well just be happy you weren't my party bag! :)
So good news! Last week I was working out like crazy and my body loved me for it! Bad news? I'm sick and I didn't get to go today :( and so I am hoping to make it tomorrow. I feel a little better. I was suppose to go to Disneyland with my friend (we have annual passes) but I woke up so icky, :( we're hoping to be able to go before I go back to work next week.
Now what have I been up to that I have been so busy to post? Well other than working out twice a day during one of the rainy days Juan and I took out his Christmas present to break it in...
So good news! Last week I was working out like crazy and my body loved me for it! Bad news? I'm sick and I didn't get to go today :( and so I am hoping to make it tomorrow. I feel a little better. I was suppose to go to Disneyland with my friend (we have annual passes) but I woke up so icky, :( we're hoping to be able to go before I go back to work next week.
Now what have I been up to that I have been so busy to post? Well other than working out twice a day during one of the rainy days Juan and I took out his Christmas present to break it in...
I only shot the gun three times, the kick was too much. My goodness does that gun have some power! I took a video with my phone but I'm not sure how to get it on my computer yet :( I can't email it to myself either because the file is too big. Husband was/is very happy with his gun. He can't wait to take it out again. He's thinking of getting me my own gun but I don't know about that. I think I'll stick to renting. One gun in the house is enough...
Well then it was Christmas Eve! We spent it with my family as we do every year. I'm so happy to have such a thankful Husband that will not fight me on this! We had such a wonderful time. We waited until my lil big brother got home from work and then had a late dinner. We hung around and the kids played and then at midnight the gifts were opened!
This year I added color to my tree, last year it was all black and white. This year something just came over me and I added a lot of bright colors! The tree to the right is my mom's tree. This was the picture before all the gifts were opened! As you can tell I the kids were fully awake at midnight! Nothing was going to keep them away from opening presents!!!
Let me just add that I have been using my Nikon D3100 and almost all of my pictures have now been taken with this amazing camera!!! I just love it!! I can't wait to really get into taking pictures!!
Christmas day was spent with my in laws. We had a wonderful turkey dinner planned and I set the table as best as I can. I waned to add more but I also wanted there to be enough room for everyone.
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Husband "cooking" |
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Dinner is ready!! |
Now, I'm a very controlling person. I want everything to always be right and perfect. I was hoping to have a wonderful and beautiful dinner with my in laws. Sadly, it didn't work out that way. My in laws brought an extra person which they did not tell me so I had to somehow add an extra place setting and then my lil sister in law was late to dinner because she was with her boyfriend (who we invited but he didn't want to attend). Then when Juan cut into the turkey it wasn't fully cooked and the food was getting cold. As much as I tried dinner just went to crap. But at least the table setting was nice for a few moments.
After my panic attack and my venting to Juan we took off to the movies. Juan and I have been doing this since we have been dating. Every Christmas we go out and watch a movie. This year it was Black Swan. LOVED THE MOVIE! The plot was amazing and it was so different! I'm so happy I got over my anxiety and went out.
I really do hate having such bad social anxiety. It gets in the way of being happy and having a good time. I try to fight it but sometimes it just gets the better of me. Not many people understand that side of me, it's something I just can't help nor control. I'm working at it though.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Sorry I haven't been blogging. I mean to but then I just get so busy or so tired. On the brightside I have been going to the gym.
Maybe tomorrow I will feel like writing more.
Maybe tomorrow I will feel like writing more.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Christmas Cards
For three years now I have been sending out Christmas cards. I also, from time to time send out birthday cards, or just random cards to let people know I think of them. I just think that in a world today with so much technology that we all forget just how nice and amazing it feels to get mail. All we ever get in the mail now in days is bills and junk mail. How often do you get a card in the mail? Not very often.
I always send out my Christmas cards early December, just so then people will feel like Christmas is all year long. Today I got three cards! I have been getting one a week and then today BAM! I got three! It just made me feel so special to get them, each one of them! I always place them in my tree and I save them too!
I even mail out a Christmas card to my parents and they live next door! Yes, I pay the postage and everything! I just love making people feel special.
I honestly feel that I live by the golden rule. Treat others as you would like to be treated. I give the way I would like to be given. I love the way I would like to be loved. I respect the way I would like to be respected. Now this isn't always the way things happen. Half the time people use me. Half the time people forget about me when they realize that there is someone better at the moment. Then out of nowhere they come back to be my friend and I'm happy like a fool but sooner or later they kick me away like a dog...
Okay I'm not sure where that came from but I guess I just got really real there for a moment. Sometimes I can't help but open up. Sometimes I can't help but just let go and let everything out. I guess this time around it was one of those moments. I went from talking about Christmas cards to talking about how I feel and how people make me feel at times.
I always send out my Christmas cards early December, just so then people will feel like Christmas is all year long. Today I got three cards! I have been getting one a week and then today BAM! I got three! It just made me feel so special to get them, each one of them! I always place them in my tree and I save them too!
I even mail out a Christmas card to my parents and they live next door! Yes, I pay the postage and everything! I just love making people feel special.
I honestly feel that I live by the golden rule. Treat others as you would like to be treated. I give the way I would like to be given. I love the way I would like to be loved. I respect the way I would like to be respected. Now this isn't always the way things happen. Half the time people use me. Half the time people forget about me when they realize that there is someone better at the moment. Then out of nowhere they come back to be my friend and I'm happy like a fool but sooner or later they kick me away like a dog...
Okay I'm not sure where that came from but I guess I just got really real there for a moment. Sometimes I can't help but open up. Sometimes I can't help but just let go and let everything out. I guess this time around it was one of those moments. I went from talking about Christmas cards to talking about how I feel and how people make me feel at times.
Happy Birthday to Husband!
Today was/is Husband's birthday. He had to go to work today though but he didn't mind. He is so responsible and he is very dedicated to his job. How old is Husband today? TWENTY-SEVEN! My goodness I still remember when he was SEVENTEEN! How time has flown by!
Again, today it has been raining non-stop. I went over my parents' house for breakfast, have I mentioned that I live next door to my parents? So all I had to do was walk right over, no need for driving. I spent so much time with my mom, just talking and then we sat down and she tried to teach me to knit (two needles). My goodness I never knew just how hard that can be! But with time and practice I will be able to add knitting to one of my many talents/passions. She was learning how to make cupcakes from YouTube. My baby brother wanted an Army looking cupcake. So far it looks really cute! My sister-in-law gave me a hot pink cupcake and I have it in my Christmas tree... I think next year I will fill my tree up with cupcakes!! I hope it looks nice. I'll spend the whole year making cupcakes. Should be fun! First I have to learn how to make them!
When Juan got home he had to take off again for his appointment. While he was gone I made him some chocolate cupcakes, no frosting because Husband doesn't really care for frosting. I got to use my cupcake maker that Husband got me for our three year anniversary.
My goodness just look at those amazing cupcakes!! They look perfect!!! If you are planning on getting the cupcake maker I say you get it! It is so much fun and it is so cute!! The cupcakes get baked so fast! I was amazed! I honestly thought it was going to take forever to bake but no! Sure you can only bake six at a time but it isn't so bad.
When Husband came home he changed and we went to dinner at Olive Garden. After that we went to Starter Brother's and shopped for the Christmas dinner we plan to have at our house. I hope all goes well and works out. It will be only with my in-laws but it will be nice.
Tomorrow I hope the rain isn't to awful. I did notice that when I was at my parents' house the rain wasn't so bad but I was having such a nice time with my mom that I didn't want to leave. I will head straight to the gym for two hours and then if time permits spend time with my Mama again :)
Before I take off I must also say that it was/is my big brother's birthday. Husband and him share the same birthday. I sent him his gift and he LOVED it. I'm so happy that he did because I wasn't sure if he would.
Today was such a wonderful day, life is so beautiful, even when the rain is non-stop.
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Just look at that baby face of his! |
Again, today it has been raining non-stop. I went over my parents' house for breakfast, have I mentioned that I live next door to my parents? So all I had to do was walk right over, no need for driving. I spent so much time with my mom, just talking and then we sat down and she tried to teach me to knit (two needles). My goodness I never knew just how hard that can be! But with time and practice I will be able to add knitting to one of my many talents/passions. She was learning how to make cupcakes from YouTube. My baby brother wanted an Army looking cupcake. So far it looks really cute! My sister-in-law gave me a hot pink cupcake and I have it in my Christmas tree... I think next year I will fill my tree up with cupcakes!! I hope it looks nice. I'll spend the whole year making cupcakes. Should be fun! First I have to learn how to make them!
When Juan got home he had to take off again for his appointment. While he was gone I made him some chocolate cupcakes, no frosting because Husband doesn't really care for frosting. I got to use my cupcake maker that Husband got me for our three year anniversary.
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Yummy chocolate batter! I couldn't help but sneak a little taste! YUMMY!!! Yeah I was a little mess, could you blame me? It's my first time using it. The yummy outcome! |
My goodness just look at those amazing cupcakes!! They look perfect!!! If you are planning on getting the cupcake maker I say you get it! It is so much fun and it is so cute!! The cupcakes get baked so fast! I was amazed! I honestly thought it was going to take forever to bake but no! Sure you can only bake six at a time but it isn't so bad.
When Husband came home he changed and we went to dinner at Olive Garden. After that we went to Starter Brother's and shopped for the Christmas dinner we plan to have at our house. I hope all goes well and works out. It will be only with my in-laws but it will be nice.
Tomorrow I hope the rain isn't to awful. I did notice that when I was at my parents' house the rain wasn't so bad but I was having such a nice time with my mom that I didn't want to leave. I will head straight to the gym for two hours and then if time permits spend time with my Mama again :)
Before I take off I must also say that it was/is my big brother's birthday. Husband and him share the same birthday. I sent him his gift and he LOVED it. I'm so happy that he did because I wasn't sure if he would.
Today was such a wonderful day, life is so beautiful, even when the rain is non-stop.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Oh Rain, Rain, Rain...
It has not been stooping to rain but thankfully I love it! There are many people that don't but hey we need it and it just sounds so beautiful!
Recap of the weekend:
Friday: I was suppose to go to yoga with Val but Husband wanted to see TRON as soon as I got of work. LIES! I had thought he had bought the tickets but nope. He even ended up wanting to watch it with my little brother so we didn't go until 9:00 p.m. oh well.
TRON, I loved it. I loved the music because well who doesn't love Daft Punk! I loved the graphics and everything! What I didn't like is the fact that there are too many little kids who are sadly adults that just don't know how to act in a theater! Why would you play $12 for a ticket and then play musical chairs, jump over the chairs and talk nonstop! Oh let's not forget the texting!! My goodness! I wanted to tell them to shut up but I just didn't want to have to deal with them being dramatic because they think that it's okay for them do act this way and bothers those around you. I guess thankfully because of the rain there weren't that many kids at the theater. Thank goodness!!
I was so full at the end of night! Everyone was! And you know what? We surprised everyone by paying for the dinner. We didn't let anyone pay. Why? Because it's a few days before Christmas and all we really wanted was for our friends to spend the time with us!
RIGHT: The Zamorano kids! Daisy was sick and she still came to the dinner...maybe not the best choice because were are now so scared to end up sick like her! I don't think we will though, gotta think healthy to stay healthy!
LEFT: Me and my little brother! He will always be there for us! We love him so much! I bought him that purple shirt and he rocks it so good! Might I add that it took Juan FOREVER to get a good picture of us because he fears my new awesome camera!
RIGHT: David and Celestie! The two friends that we can always count on to go to our dinners. No matter what they have planned they will be there. They had a family Christmas dinner that they needed to go to and they put that on hold so that they could be there for us! How awesome is that! They really are the best fun friends we have! Oh but let me not forget that Celestie meant to do that face! Silly goose!
Recap of the weekend:
Friday: I was suppose to go to yoga with Val but Husband wanted to see TRON as soon as I got of work. LIES! I had thought he had bought the tickets but nope. He even ended up wanting to watch it with my little brother so we didn't go until 9:00 p.m. oh well.
TRON, I loved it. I loved the music because well who doesn't love Daft Punk! I loved the graphics and everything! What I didn't like is the fact that there are too many little kids who are sadly adults that just don't know how to act in a theater! Why would you play $12 for a ticket and then play musical chairs, jump over the chairs and talk nonstop! Oh let's not forget the texting!! My goodness! I wanted to tell them to shut up but I just didn't want to have to deal with them being dramatic because they think that it's okay for them do act this way and bothers those around you. I guess thankfully because of the rain there weren't that many kids at the theater. Thank goodness!!
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The Happy Birthday Boy! |
Saturday: We were suppose to go to the shooting range but somehow all we ended up doing is sleeping in and being lazy. I for one didn't get out of bed until 3:00 p.m. I have not been able to do that in so long. I have been busy and busy and I just didn't have to get out of bed if I didn't want to. That night though was Juan's birthday dinner with the friends. I invited a lot of our friends but only two of our friends ended up going and our little siblings. I was sad because there weren't that many people going, Husband said that he didn't care. The people that care about him are going to be there and that is all that matters. The people that can't or don't even try well that's on them. It's not everyday that he tries to celebrate his birthday. Dinner was amazing! We went to Buca de Bippo and everyone had a very happy tummy at the end of the night! I for one paid for it today at the gym! Just look at that food!

Oh did I mention that we also had cake! Yes, there was no way that we were not going to try the celebration cake this time around! But not that many of us liked it. Well more like David and Daisy and well Juan didn't want to try it because he was soooooo full! Plus he also had his own brownie!
SUNDAY: Didn't do much, I have been having a moody day so I have stayed away from people and Husband has been trying to make me happy. I went to the gym and had a good time there but once I left the moodiness came back. So Husband told me he would take me shopping, that didn't make things any better because well, people are Christmas shopping and the people that are crazy looking for last minutes gifts are so rude. Why? I have no idea. Where is the joy? Why are people not happy?
Readers: Are you done shopping? Who was the hardest person for you to shop for? Did you give this year?
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Staff Potluck!
Today was our staff Potluck which was so yummy! There was so much food and a lot of positive people. Sadly, we have to work with some sucky people sometimes but thankfully they didn't want to play with us!
Juan got his Christmas gift! Yes! He got his Springfield XD .45 long barrel. He was so happy! He just kept taking it apart and looking at everything. He even read the book that came with it! This boy does not read people! This is how happy he was! This weekend we plan to break it in and take it shooting! This is going to be a big gun for me to shoot but it will be fun. I'll make sure to take my Nikon to get some fabulous pictures! I'm so happy that I can make my husband happy because no matter what he always does the same! He makes me happy by just holding me!
Here are a few pictures that I was able to take from a co-worker... I got shy and didn't take any :(
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Talking to Jessica and Chuck listening I guess... |
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The fun group (minus Lisa who is taking the pictures) |
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When someone wants to take your picture just smile!!! If not then you're going to come out silly! |
I got to play the White Elephant game for the first time ever! I took a gift card to Starbucks and I was the last one to get to pick a gift and it turned out that no one had taken the gift I brought. So I go up and say well since no one picked my gift I guess I'll take it since it's a Starbucks gift card. Everyone wanted one that was opened and people were fighting for it and I had one up there all along! That was so funny!
There was an announcement made then that we are going to start having a lot more staff events and the birthday celebrations will be coming back! I'm so excited for that! We all need time together and away from the desk from time to time. Sure there will be some people who just don't want to join in on the fun but that will be their loss.
Another big event today:

This weekend is going to be so busy, TRON on Friday, shooting range Saturday morning, Husband's birthday dinner Saturday night, baking with Celestie Sunday. So much fun!!!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
I played Santa today!
I passed out the amazing gifts that I made for my co-workers today!!! Aww that made me feel so warm and fuzzy! They LOVED them! But then again who wouldn't love these:
Everyone is always amazed when they see my creations and yet when I look at them I don't think they're a big deal. Then again not that many people have the patience to do something like that. Either way I'm happy that they loved their little gifts. I have no idea what I'm going to do next year for them. Maybe I'll make each one of them a cake or something. I make it sound so simple!
Tonight when I got home Juan and I wrapped presents for our holiday adopted kids. It was our first time that we adopted kids for the holiday thanks to my sister in law. I'm so happy and thankful that we are in a situation that we are able to do something like this. While wrapping presents Husband and I talked and we decided that next year we will do the same again. God has blessed us in so many ways the least we can do is buy a few gifts for kids that don't have anything. It honestly made me feel so good! But then I felt sad because Pucca wanted one of the gifts:
Then when I moved Woody away from her I had to deal with this saddest face ever!
I feel so bad when she gives me these looks! She's my baby and I always want to give her everything that she wants. I even told Husband that we need to buy her, her very own Woody now! But she just wants toys so I'm guess it doesn't HAVE to be a Woody... at least I hope not! After a good laugh from Pucca we were done wrapping the presents:
I really need to stop taking pictures with my phone and just use my new awesome camera but sometimes I just don't want to have to take out the camera and then have to connect it to my computer. The phone is easier, I just need better lighting. You call get the picture though right?
Before I knew it the day was over and it was time for bed! :( At least tomorrow I have something wonderful to look forward to for work! We're having out Holiday Potluck!! We're even going to play the white elephant game, can you believe that I'm 26 and I NEVER paid this game before!!!
Yesterday was yesterday, today is a new day...I hope.
My goodness yesterday was such an awful day.
I didn't want to be at work, everything was bothering me and nothing nor no one was able to make me happy. I just wanted to go home put on my running shoes and just run. I didn't get to do that though. I stayed at work and did what I had to do like a responsible adult. I honestly feel like I just need a break from work, not a weekend but a few weeks. Winter break is coming up but I feel like that isn't even near enough to what I need.
What made things worse is the one person I would hope to pay some attention to me just wouldn't. He was just ignoring me. Yes, husband was being mean to me yesterday but he didn't mean it. He has so much going on with him that I need to learn to just be independent. The thought of that just made me feel worse. It's depressing to think just how much his time overseas changed him and how a part of him died. Yes, he came back to me but he isn't the same. I've learned to accept it but there are moments in which I just break down. Maybe with time things will change, I will feel better and this won't be an issue for me anymore.
When I got home from a long day at work I noticed the house was very clean and dinner was made. I didn't ask husband if he had cleaned the house because at the moment I just needed silence. After dinner I went over my parents' house and the first thing my mom asked me was if I was mad. I had no reason to be but then she asked if I was mad because she and my dad cleaned the my house! I was in aww! My parents had gone over my house to get some wrapping paper (yes, they have keys to my house) and I guess they took it upon themselves to clean the house. I had been putting it off for a few weeks now, planning to just clean everything during my winter break. Now all I have to do is just keep it up. I'm so thankful to have such wonderful caring parents. This made my day feel so much better. I felt loved!
Then darkness came, and off to bed we went to get our much needed rest for work the next day (today). While laying there I just cried, something in me just needed to let everything go and when I did I felt better. In all reality sometimes you just need to cry, let all the awfulness of the day out and just be a mess for a while.
Today is a new day, while I still don't feel 100% better it is a lot better than how I felt yesterday! I'm just sitting around listening to beautiful music and trying to laugh and smile as much as I can!
I can't stop listening to this song, yes, it's from Twilight but worry not I am not one of those crazy Twilight fan, I'm hardly a fan. I was forced to read the books.
I didn't want to be at work, everything was bothering me and nothing nor no one was able to make me happy. I just wanted to go home put on my running shoes and just run. I didn't get to do that though. I stayed at work and did what I had to do like a responsible adult. I honestly feel like I just need a break from work, not a weekend but a few weeks. Winter break is coming up but I feel like that isn't even near enough to what I need.
What made things worse is the one person I would hope to pay some attention to me just wouldn't. He was just ignoring me. Yes, husband was being mean to me yesterday but he didn't mean it. He has so much going on with him that I need to learn to just be independent. The thought of that just made me feel worse. It's depressing to think just how much his time overseas changed him and how a part of him died. Yes, he came back to me but he isn't the same. I've learned to accept it but there are moments in which I just break down. Maybe with time things will change, I will feel better and this won't be an issue for me anymore.
When I got home from a long day at work I noticed the house was very clean and dinner was made. I didn't ask husband if he had cleaned the house because at the moment I just needed silence. After dinner I went over my parents' house and the first thing my mom asked me was if I was mad. I had no reason to be but then she asked if I was mad because she and my dad cleaned the my house! I was in aww! My parents had gone over my house to get some wrapping paper (yes, they have keys to my house) and I guess they took it upon themselves to clean the house. I had been putting it off for a few weeks now, planning to just clean everything during my winter break. Now all I have to do is just keep it up. I'm so thankful to have such wonderful caring parents. This made my day feel so much better. I felt loved!
Then darkness came, and off to bed we went to get our much needed rest for work the next day (today). While laying there I just cried, something in me just needed to let everything go and when I did I felt better. In all reality sometimes you just need to cry, let all the awfulness of the day out and just be a mess for a while.
Today is a new day, while I still don't feel 100% better it is a lot better than how I felt yesterday! I'm just sitting around listening to beautiful music and trying to laugh and smile as much as I can!
I can't stop listening to this song, yes, it's from Twilight but worry not I am not one of those crazy Twilight fan, I'm hardly a fan. I was forced to read the books.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Busy with loving life!
It's only Saturday night and already I have had such a fun weekend!
I have been working on making or rather drawing on white ornaments for my work peoples. I hope that they will like them and place them on their tree:
After our shopping at Michael's we went to Starbucks for a drink and some good old girl talk. I made up my mind then that I was going to go to Disneyland with her and her boyfriend David, though I felt very tired.
Friday: Worked 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., it was a half day for me since I was going to have to work a few hours on Saturday for the CBPA 2010 December Graduation. After work I met up with Celestie and we had lunch at Applebees. 2 for $20 lunch meal! YUM! After that we took off to Micheal's and bought a few things we needed for our Christmas gifts we're making.
I have been working on making or rather drawing on white ornaments for my work peoples. I hope that they will like them and place them on their tree:
Some of them have their name in the design while others have their name on the back of them because well they were made just for them!! I wonder why I have never thought of this before, either way I'm happy that I thought of it this year! Last year I made them baked goods and the year before that I made them scarfs.
After our shopping at Michael's we went to Starbucks for a drink and some good old girl talk. I made up my mind then that I was going to go to Disneyland with her and her boyfriend David, though I felt very tired.
That night we took off to Disneyland so that we could check out ElecTRONica. Juan and I were going to just buy a park hopper but ended up just buying the deluxe annual pass so that we can go whenever we want. Here are the pictures of our fun Disneyland night:
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There was just about NO parking that we had to end up parking in the Toy Story Parking lot and take a bus into the park! |
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Going into ElecTRONica! |
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First drink and only drink that night! |
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Why yes, the glass does light up and we got to keep it! |
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HEHE Disneyland hired GoGo Dancers!!! |
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TOO many lights!! We hide from them under Celestie's hood! |
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TRYING to look cute! |
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Pee-a-boo!!! Waiting for Tower of Terror! |
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Drinks in hand! Cheers!!! |
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It felt like Grad Night all over again!!! |
The night was amazing but I ended up getting sick after the one ride we got on. I didn't have dinner and with the one STRONG drink I had and then with the going up and down on the ride...well I got sick and just about threw up but still it was a fun night and we plan to go back again but this time we're having dinner before we go! Gotten be smart about these things. The only thing that we didn't like was that there were little kids all over the place. YES it is Disneyland but it is also a type of club scene and the last thing you want to see when you're drinking and having a good time is a two year old on the couch in front of you. Either it's a must! if you plan to go to Disneyland make sure to stop by California Adventure after 7:00 p.m.
Saturday: Got up early and headed off to work for the December Graduation lunch which we have been planning. The food was yummy and there was an OKAY turn out. I guess a lot of people just didn't want to be at school for like four hours.
After work I got home and my baby little brother wanted me to take him to the bookstore to buy a book. I was more than happy to take him! The book wasn't at the bookstore so we took off to Target in hopes to find it there and we did! He was so happy! It was a Lego book that he had wanted to buy at the book fair at school but he didn't have enough money at the time. Have I mentioned that my little brother is my Godson? Yes, Juan and I baptized him this past September and I am taking it very serious.
Since we were at Target and I had my ten kids that we were buy gifts for we decide that it would be good for my baby brother to learn a lesson and to help us pick out the gifts they had on their wish card. My sister in law Jeanny works for Well's Fargo and they always get cards from an Orphan Outreach program so that if people can they can buy them Christmas presents. This year I got ten kids and we bought them the best toys we could find. Diego (little brother) had so much fun helping us pick out the toys but he also felt sad that these kids didn't have families. He has such a bit heart and there are so many things that make him feel sad when he finds out just how sad life can get.
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Sorry for the crappy picture, my phone needs a flash. |
So I had a busy two days and now I can finally relax and do what I love, write! I have been taking pictures with my new camera but I'm thinking I need a new notebook because mine is over four years old and it is getting pretty slow and annoying. Yeah I don't think that I will be getting that any time soon.
I hope you all are enjoying the blog thus far!
Thursday, December 09, 2010
Guess who is going back to school?!
Yep! After three years after graduating with my B.A. in English I'm finally going back to school!!!! YAY ME! Winter 2011 will be my first quarter back. First, I will be taking English 311, The English Language. I'm re-taking this class becuase I need a B or better to apply to the masters program I want to get into and I also need to re-take English 385. I took these classes at the end of my undergraduate course work and well that was the time that Juan was away which meant that my head wasn't able to fully concentrate. I'm hoping to be able to get into the MFA program this Fall 2011 so fingers crossed!! Which reminds me I need to get back to my short stories so my lovely (few) readers I will be posting some of my short stories here! I hope I get some good feed back from y'all!
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Busy Day at Work!
Eek! Today was such a busy day at work, I kept going nonstop! I didn't even have time for lunch, I went and got some Taco Bell and ate it up real fast. It's hard to eat healthy when I'm at work and I don't pack my lunch. I did do some research before I ate and saw that the tacos are only 170 calories and they have tacos that are 150 calories. So my lunch was only 490 calories, I had water to go with my lunch.
I got home and well Juan bought Burger King. NOT GOOD. So I forced myself to go on a run. It wasn't a very good run but I have to start somewhere and at least Oreo and Pucca got to go on a run with me. It's so hard to run with Pucca, she wants to sprint down the street and pull the lease to make me go faster. NOT FUN! Oreo on the hand is amazing to run with! She just jogs and doesn't get distracted at all with the other dogs barking at her. I guess for now Oreo will be my running partner and Pucca will be my walking partner.
So I read this amazing blog Love and Running and there is this picture that Val (the blogger) posted which I just love!
For those of you that know me, know that I have thick legs and what I'm going to aim for is not to get rid of my thick legs. No, what I am going to aim for is to have toned, muscular legs! I want to be able to say that I have thunder thighs! Yes, I want to lose weight but I don't want to be skinny to be honest. I was the size zero and I wasn't happy with myself then. I wasn't happy that I looked like a little girl. I wasn't happy that nothing fit. I wasn't happy that I had no curves. Today, I'm happy for my hips, my butt, my thighs and all my curves because they make me feel like a woman! What I want to do more than anything is to tone! I want to slim down the tummy and I want to feel good but still have those curves that make the Husband go crazy!
This is my goal and I will not stop until I obtain it!
Maybe I should post monthly pictures so that I can see how close I'm getting to achieve my goal!
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Enough is Enough...
So after high school little by little I have been gaining weight and now at a size 9/10 I'm just not happy. Sure at times I have been happy at my size but today I woke up not feeling well and just couldn't get out of bed...and so enough is enough!
This morning I had a small bowl of cereal and I was going to work out but I just couldn't, I just started cleaning the house and getting ready to make a healthy dinner. I started getting hungry and there was some left over pizza calling my name but I was strong and had a healthy snack instead. What's better than fruit and cheese!
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For dinner I made chicken, with brown rice and some veggies and I had some orange juice! It was very yummy and Juan loved it too. Who said eating healthy wouldn't taste good.
After dinner Juan and I took off to Best Buy to pick up Inception and to look at the camera that I have been wanting. The new Nikon D3100, they had a special that if you bought it you would get a lense and a bag for free! I thought we were only looking but Juan said to just get it now so that I can take pictures on Christmas Eve and when he gets his gun next week! So I am one happy girl right now! Juan has even been playing with it and I'm going to be using it this weekend at the graduation lunch ceremony at work/school!
So now I am going to really get on it. Eating healthy and working out, no more being lazy and no more throwing my very own pitty party.
Monday, December 06, 2010
My goodness where did the weekend go?
I only did two of the things that were on my to do list. I had dinner with the Husband and I went to work and got out an hour early. Everything else was dropped.
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Celestie, Vero, ME! |
First Stop: Starbucks, well actually we WERE going to go to El Torrito and have drinks there BUT they now have a $5 cover charge! Vero was going to meet up there but we ended up meeting at Starbucks, had a very yummy drink with some GODIVA, well Celestie and I did (sorry for not sharing VeroBabies).

Third Stop: TGI Fridays. I normally don't go to this restaurant because I just have never really liked it but since we were only going for drinks I thought well why not!? So Celestie and I ended up there and her friend was working at the bar so we got some yummy drinks. We talked, we laughed and had an amazing time together! I had forgotten just how much fun it is to hang out with my girls. I just hope we get to hang out together again VERY soon! Maybe dinner this week!

Sunday: Slept in, (though I had gone to "bed" early) and then we were up again to TRY to get the last few things off our list (Juan's dad). It didn't happen. Well one very important thing we did do was go out and get Juan's Christmas present. A Springfield XD .45 long barrel. Yes, I am getting my husband a gun. He has always wanted one and so this is the year in which he will get it. I was going to surprise him with it but I was told it was best for him to be able to pick it out. Now before y'all get scared he said that he will NOT have any ammo in the house ever. We will just buy it when we go to the shooting range. Need not worry! I use to be deathly afraid of guns but once he taught me to handle one and shoot one I had no problem with them ever again.
I didn't get to do everything I wanted to do but the weekend did not go to waste. I had fun with my girls and then fun with the Husband! Overall, it was an awesome weekend!
Thursday, December 02, 2010
I have readers!
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Drawn by my big sister in law |
I'm so excited to know that people are reading my blog! Yes, I have only posted one and already I have gotten really good feedback which I'm thankful for! My big sister in law even ended up drawing up an amazing picture of how she thought my tattoo would look. It’s amazing! Maybe I’ll be daring one day to get something like that done on the top of my foot. I really want something classic and preppy because that is going to be one that I will never be able to hide. Now it wasn't 100% what I was thinking of but still it is beautiful! The bow is just amazing, I could picture having a tattoo on both the top of my feet of just two bows. It would look very cute I think because then it would look like all my shoes have ribbons! Maybe one day when I feel that I am ready for that type of pain.
To the left is something that I am thinking of as the bride but I want her wearing a wedding gown that is sheer so that the ribs and all the other bones can be seen. I'm also going to want to have bright red roses, three of them. Why three? Well because Juan and I were engaged three years before we got married and I waited for Juan for three years. Also, I had red roses for the wedding which just looked amazing. I know I say they looked amazing and who wouldn't say that about their wedding? See for yourself...
To the right is my wedding bouquet with curly willow. It was so heavy and the name of the roses is black magics. This is the reason why I want the red roses on my tattoo. I can't wait to finally see how it is going to look and I'm going to talk to the tattoo artist I plan to go to so that I can get it as soon as possible. Also, I need to draw something up this weekend so that I can let him know just what I want and then he can perfect my idea.
To my readers: Thank you for taking the time to read and thank you for commenting. I hope you keep reading and I hope you enjoy what I have to say. My little thoughts my plans and my hopes. Please feel free to click on the other links, family tree, my other half, etc. I changed it so that you all can comment on what I have created and put together there.
As much as I would LOVE to be able to post every day the truth is that I am not going to have something amazing to say everyday and the last thing that I want is to have this get boring.
Tomorrow is going to be a busy day:
- work 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (I might skip my lunch and get off a tad bit early)
- dinner with the husband
- dinner with the husband
- Target to buy the office Christmas tree
- visit VeroBabies to donate some money for an event she is holding (I get a shirt out of it!)
- gym, going to TRY to the sauna for the first time!
- buy blank ornaments for gifts (I plan to draw on them)
- write out Christmas cards
- use my new cupcake maker
- blog!
Yes, I am going to have a busy day tomorrow and I hope to have a lot to say and write about!
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