Yesterday I woke up wondering what I would do without facebook.
How my life would be without
I talked to my friend who deleted her account a few weeks ago. No warning from her. I thought she may have deleted me but it turned out that she just deleted the account. She felt that she was spending too much time on Facebook and just needed to regain control of her life.
How is she handling it?
Just like anything it's hard to give up something that you enjoy and are addicted to but after a little while you get use to not having that something in your life. She says that she feels as though she has so much more free time and she has gotten so much more done without Facebook being in the way.
Today is my last day that I will be logging on to Facebook. I don't plan to delete it but I did disable a lot of things on it. I won't be checking it and if people want to get in contact with me, if they want to me to know something well then they can call me, text me, email me or even meet up with me! I know for some that is hard to grasp.
I have been thinking how our generation is obsessed with social networking. We hardly ever make time to meet with people in person and when we do... there isn't much to talk about because everything is and was broadcasted on Facebook, twitter, etc.
I tried to remember how life was without MySpace (I deleted that long ago but it did come first) or Facebook but I wasn't remembering clearly. Yes, Facebook is a good thing if you're not addicted to it, if it does not take up your time and if you're not checking it all the time to see what people are doing.
I like that I am able to watch my friends' kids grow day by day. I like that my family can be in contact with me and see what I'm up to when I don't see them very often and I like that you are able to reconnect with old friends (that you actually want to reconnect with).
What I don't like is the drama!
Sometimes you type something and people take it the wrong way. You don't mean anything by it but they took it as though you did and so you're an awful person for that. There is nothing you can do about it either but you are left with this awful feeling that your hurt someone when you didn't mean to and you weren't trying to and...
it's on Facebook, the world has read it, they have passed judgment and you're an awful person.
This has happened to me many times! I'm blunt and I get annoyed easily and so people take me the wrong way. Well, I don't want to have to walk on eggshells and worry about what people think when in reality they're not that important in my life and I'm not important in their life either.
Oh I use to go to grade school with you, you found me and now you want to pick a fight with me over the internet? Oh you knew my husband in high school and you know some of my close friends and now you feel that because of that you too are my friend?
Really? No, thank you.
I know that seems harsh but I just need to get away from that drama. I'm a sensitive person and a very emotional person and nonsense like that does take a lot out of me. At this point in my life I don't need that. Needless to say, when I do go back to Facebook I will be removing more people that I just don't need in my internet life. I'm a pretty public person, an open book and there are some people that just don't need to know everything about my life because I've learned that they don't really care. They're just nosey and like to gossip, not that there is much to gossip about me. I'm pretty much a goodie-goodie.
I will miss a few things,
The pictures people post
The links people share, sometimes people share some really interesting things
The funny stories people post
The advice you can get from different people but just asking
I will miss that and more but I will take this time to grow in different aspects in my life.
I plan to:
1. Lean to deal with my anger and not let the little things bother me
2. I will work on my writing, blog
3. I will work on my so called art
4. I will go back to my love of reading, last night I started to read the Bible again
5. I will meet up with friends more
6. I will learn what and who matters
7. I will be open to so much more and do more
You might think that Facebook doesn't take that much time out of your life. Maybe it doesn't and I for one think that it doesn't but I want to see if it does. This is like a test for me. What will my life be without Facebook?
I'll make sure to document it so that my fellow Facebook users will know. Last night I even deleted my Facebook app on my phone and now it begins tomorrow...
a life without Facebook...
I wonder if I will be missed...