There was a time in which I was a size 0; yes, I’m sure that to many of you that is hard to believe.
I am now a size 10/12 and I'm happier now then I was then.
There are a few times that I do feel FAT but that is only because I let other people make me feel this way. I let them hurt me and scare me; I let them push me down when I’m happy with myself. They only do this though because they're not happy with the way they look, admit it negative people!
They say, real women have curves and oh my goodness! Do I have curves!
Skinny isn’t the only beauty (but still beautiful), I am beautiful with curves. There are so many women out there that feel they're not pretty enough because of whatever reasons they can come up with. If I wanted to be negative and focus on what people say then I would be a sad person, I don't want that. I have enough to worry about in life. Let’s not focus on the negative, let’s focus on the positive. You are beautiful just the way you are. If you are unhappy for one reason or another stop being negative and start doing something about it. There are very few things that bother me about myself, I can count them on one hand.
1. I wish I could lose 3-5 inches from my tummy
2. I wish I was a little more tone
3. I wish my knees didn't look so big
NOW... I can be negative about this and cry about it or I can do something about it.
THE SOLUTION: I just need to go back to the gym and workout for an hour a day and in a few weeks/months I will see the results I want to see. Do I do it? Nope. Whose fault is that?
I will NOT starve myself, I will NOT do some crazy diets that will only hurt myself. When I want to drop the weight I will do it on my own and on my time. Maybe I'll start this week, maybe I'll start next week or month. What I want all of you to get from this is that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! No matter where you are in your life, no matter how you look. If you want change then do it but do it on your own terms. NOT because someone told you that you look fat, not because someone told you that you are too skinny (I use to hear this years ago and it hurts just as much as being called fat). If you're not ready for that change then don't fear going up a size or down a size, so that your outfit will fit better. There are times that I need to reach for the bigger size and you know what? I look better in the bigger size than the smaller. Don't let negativity hold you back. I once let that happen to me and all that I got from it is sadness. Thankfully I have changed and will never again let anything hold me back. So please, don't let anything hold you back in living your life. Life is short and we must make the best of it!
I'm only 26 and in my life I have been told that I am too skinny and so that is why guys don't like me and I have been told that I am too fat and maybe if I lost 50 pounds I would look better in certain outfits. Either way it hurt and now I'm happy to say that NOTHING and NO ONE will ever be allowed to hurt me again.